Welcome to Module 1: Best practices for responding to identity-based stressors
A Note on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada undertook a review of all of our Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons program guides and training, in partnership with the Mosaic Institute, to ensure our resources remain inclusive and reflective of the diverse experiences of the children and youth we are supporting. Thank you for helping us to continue to bring our evidence-based stress management programs to children and youth across Canada!
About Module 1: Many of the Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons activities ask students to think about the origins of their stress which might be uncomfortable at times, especially if the stressor is one related to systemic barriers or aspects of a student’s identity such as race, creed, sexual/gender identity, disability, or socioeconomic status. We hope this module will provide you with more insights about this topic and how to create safer spaces for the children and youth you work with when implementing our programs.
How to use this module: This module has been created as a pathway of knowledge. We strongly recommend that you start by clicking on the Important Guidelines section on the Main menu bar and reading that first. Then, you can either read the other sections in the Main menu or click on Module 1 Overview and continue to follow the pathway by clicking on the other sections.
Downloadable PDFs of this module are for your information only and are not to be emailed, shared, or posted.
Disclaimer: The content contained in these modules is meant to enhance the implementation of the activities in Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons and is not intended as instructions for intervention or therapy. If you are concerned about the well-being of your students or the children and youth you work with please talk to the mental health support staff at your school for additional guidance.