2023 Award Recipients
1. Major Contribution Award:
Congratulations to Dr. Mark Smith as the recipient of our Major Contribution Award for his leadership and longstanding commitment of our cause as a Trustee, Executive and Chair since 2008.

Major Contributions Award: This award honours those who have made significant contributions to the work of Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada. This award may be in any of the following categories: founder, program development, leadership and fundraising.
2. Leaders in Knowledge Building/ Knowledge Transfer Award:
Congratulations Dr. Diana Brecher as recipient of our Leaders in Knowledge Building/ Knowledge Transfer for your research on resilience and your ThriveTMU program.

Leaders in Knowledge Building/ Knowledge Transfer Award: This award honours academics, researchers and practitioners who have made significant contributions to the body of knowledge relating to important issues that affect mental health. Their work has helped to build capacity within the psychology community to develop and/or deliver more effective services that improve the mental health and well-being of children and families.
3. Community Partners Award:
Congratulations to Alberta Home Visitation Network Association. Through our partnership we have been able to reach out to more children with our programs and resources.

Community Partners Award: This award recognizes a partnership that exemplifies excellence for advancing the promotion and implementation of our programs and /or resources in local communities. These partnerships involve either individuals or organizations from the private, voluntary or public sectors.
4. Corporate and Foundation Supporters Award:
Congratulations to The Quinn Family Future Foundation as the recipient of our Foundation Supporter Award for your support of our Stress Busters program.

Corporate and Foundation Supporters Award: This award recognizes a company’s or foundation’s philanthropy and support for the development of our programs and resources that raise awareness of mental health issues or which create practical programs for developing an individual’s or family’s good mental health.
5.Youth Award:
Congratulations Makenzie and Lukas and the rest of the Youth Advisory Committee Adam, Charley, Comfort, and Tyler who have contributed a considerable amount of their volunteer time and efforts to be the voices and faces of ThriveLandia program.

Youth Award: This award recognizes the contributions youth make to, or for the mental health sector.
Congratulations to all of you!