*Durham College* Electronic Version: KHST! Preschool Kindergarten Program (Product Code: 6323)
NEW Modules on ways to incorporate Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) when using our programs We recently undertook a review of all of our Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons program guides and training in partnership with the Mosaic Institute and psychologists, to ensure our resources remain inclusive and reflective of the diverse experiencesContinue reading “*Durham College* Electronic Version: KHST! Preschool Kindergarten Program (Product Code: 6323)”
*Durham College* KHST! Preschool and Kindergarten Program – English (Product Code: 6322)
A. 50th Anniversary Growth Gala – Individual Ticket
For 50 years, we have been dedicated to using psychological science to equip Canadians, especially our youth, with the tools they need to manage the many adversities in life.
B. 50th Anniversary Growth Gala – Presenting Sponsor $50,000
Children and Youth Impacted: 12,250 Includes: • Title sponsorship and branding on all key elements of the event • Included in opening remarks • 30 guests • Psychologist seated at your table• Prominent promotion: event program, in -event signage, pre and post event media, website, link, enewsletter, social media, annual report • Impact Story toContinue reading “B. 50th Anniversary Growth Gala – Presenting Sponsor $50,000”
C. 50th Anniversary Growth Gala – Patron Sponsor $30,000
Children and Youth Impacted: 7,200 Includes: • Sponsorship and branding on all key elements of the event • 20 guests • Psychologist seated at your table • Promotion: event program, in -event signage, pre and post event media, website ink, enewsletter, social, media, annual report • Exposure at Growing Minds Conference • Four (4) complimentaryContinue reading “C. 50th Anniversary Growth Gala – Patron Sponsor $30,000”
Classe des maîtres d’introduction à la gestion du stress (Product Code: 6323)
Cet atelier d’introduction couvrira… Comment prendre soin de soi pour pouvoir prendre soin des autres Signes et symptômes du stress chez les enfants et les adolescents La physiologie du stress chez les enfants et les adolescents Stratégies clés pour favoriser la résilience Comment nos programmes fondés sur des données probantes, Nos Enfants et le StressContinue reading “Classe des maîtres d’introduction à la gestion du stress (Product Code: 6323)”
Classe des maîtres d’introduction à la gestion du stress (Product Code: 6323)
Cet atelier d’introduction couvrira… 1. Comment prendre soin de soi pour pouvoir prendre soin des autres 2. Signes et symptômes du stress chez les enfants et les adolescents 3. La physiologie du stress chez les enfants et les adolescents 4. Stratégies clés pour favoriser la résilience 5. Comment nos programmes fondés sur des données probantes, Nos Enfants et le Stress ! et Les Leçons sur le Stress, peuvent encourager une résilience durable chez les enfants et les jeunes.
Conference – In-person Ticket
Join us at the Growing Strong Minds Conference, hosted by Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada, a brand of The Psychology Foundation of Canada. This full-day event is designed to empower professionals, educators, parents, and anyone passionate about youth mental health. Attendees will gain access to: Presentations from leading psychologists and thought leaders in youthContinue reading “Conference – In-person Ticket”
Conference – Virtual Ticket
Join us at the Growing Strong Minds Conference, hosted by Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada, a brand of The Psychology Foundation of Canada. This full-day event is designed to empower professionals, educators, parents, and anyone passionate about youth mental health. Attendees will gain access to: Presentations from leading psychologists and thought leaders in youthContinue reading “Conference – Virtual Ticket”
Cours en ligne Créer des liens – 0-3 ans (Product Code: 6317d)
Le cours a été conçu de manière à permettre une prestation plus souple du programme Créer des liens afin de s’adapter à différents services et contextes culturels. Il doit être utilisé avec le guide de l’animateur du programme Créer des liens 0-3 ans. Le guide couvre chaque sujet en détail et comprend plusieurs activités etContinue reading “Cours en ligne Créer des liens – 0-3 ans (Product Code: 6317d)”
D. 50th Anniversary Growth Gala – Platinum Sponsor $20,000
ONLY 3 OPPORTUNITIES Children and Youth Impacted: 5,100 Includes: Sponsorship and branding on elements of the event 10 guests Promotion: event program, in-event signage, post event media, website link, enewsletter, social media, annual report
E. 50th Anniversary Growth Gala- Gold Sponsor $10,000
ONLY 4 OPPORTUNITIES Children and Youth Impacted: 2,100 Includes: Sponsorship and branding on all key elements of the event 10 guests Promotion: event program, in-event signage, post event media, enewsletter, social media, annual report
Electronic StressLess Booklet 12-14
Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “Electronic StressLess Booklet 12-14”
Electronic StressLess Booklet 14-18
Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “Electronic StressLess Booklet 14-18”
Electronic StressLess Booklet 4-6
Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “Electronic StressLess Booklet 4-6”
Electronic StressLess Booklet 6-9
Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “Electronic StressLess Booklet 6-9”
Electronic StressLess Booklet 9-12
Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “Electronic StressLess Booklet 9-12”
Electronic Version: KHST! Grade 1-3 School Program Guide English (Product Code: 6323)
Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 1-3 is a research-based program designed for children in the primary grades. It is built on an experiential learning approach.
Electronic Version: KHST! Grade 1-3 School Program Guide French (Product Code: 6323)
Le programme Nos enfants et le stress est un programme fondé sur la recherche conçu pour les enfants de l’école primaire. Il repose sur une approche d’apprentissage par l’expérience.
Electronic Version: KHST! Grade 4-6 English (Product Code: 6323)
Stress Lessons is a classroom resource suitable for grades 4 to 6. Stress Lessons is built on an experiential, hands-on learning approach. Its aim is help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress management strategies and build emotional resiliency.