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  • Stress Busters Activity Book Package of 30 – French (Product Code: 6322)

    We developed this fun and fresh workbook designed for kids to explore stress and their own resilience. The Stress Busters Activity Book is based on our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 4-6 program and offers kids of this age a variety of activities they can do together with their parent, mentor, teacher, or coach.




  • Stress Busters Activity Book Package of 30 English (Product Code: 6322)

    We developed this fun and fresh workbook designed for kids to explore stress and their own resilience. The Stress Busters Activity Book is based on our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 4-6 program and offers kids of this age a variety of activities they can do together with their parent, mentor, teacher, or coach.




  • Stress Busters Activity Book Package of 60 – English (Product Code: 6322)

    We developed this fun and fresh workbook designed for kids to explore stress and their own resilience. The Stress Busters Activity Book is based on our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 4-6 program and offers kids of this age a variety of activities they can do together with their parent, mentor, teacher, or coach.




  • Stress Busters Activity Book Package of 60 – French (Product Code: 6322)

    We developed this fun and fresh workbook designed for kids to explore stress and their own resilience. The Stress Busters Activity Book is based on our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 4-6 program and offers kids of this age a variety of activities they can do together with their parent, mentor, teacher, or coach.




  • Stress Busters Activity Book per Unit – French (Product Code: 6322)

    We developed this fun and fresh workbook designed for kids to explore stress and their own resilience. The Stress Busters Activity Book is based on our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 4-6 program and offers kids of this age a variety of activities they can do together with their parent, mentor, teacher, or coach.




  • Stress Busters Activity Book Per Unit English (Product Code: 6322)

    We developed this fun and fresh workbook designed for kids to explore stress and their own resilience. The Stress Busters Activity Book is based on our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 4-6 program and offers kids of this age a variety of activities they can do together with their parent, mentor, teacher, or coach.




  • Stress Lessons: From Stressed out to Chilled Out – Grades 7-9 – English (Product Code: 6322)

    The aim of this resource is to help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress- management strategies and skills and build emotional resiliency in their students and themselves. This resource is intended for adults who work with youth who are in grades 7 to 9, in classrooms and other educational and recreational settings. There are accompanying resources for students, as well as family members and other caregivers. NEW Modules on ways to incorporate Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) when using our programs.




  • Stress Lessons: From Stressed out to Chilled Out – Grades 7-9 – French (Product Code: 6322)

    Le programme vise à aider les éducateurs à créer des moments propices à l’apprentissage afin de présenter des stratégies et des habiletés de gestion de stress permettant de renforcer la résilience émotionnelle des élèves ainsi que leur propre résilience. Le programme s’adresse aux adultes qui travaillent auprès de jeunes du premier cycle du secondaire dans le cadre scolaire ou autre. Il offre des ressources d’accompagnement pour les élèves ainsi que pour les familles et les autres intervenants.




  • Stress Lessons: Tools for Resiliency Grades 9-12 – English (Product Code: 6322)

    This resource is designed for education professionals, and their colleagues, who want to help teens develop resilience—the ability to not just survive but thrive in our exciting and stress-filled world.




  • Stress Lessons: Tools for Resiliency Grades 9-12 – French (Product Code: 6322)

    La ressource Leçons sur le stress : Outils de résilience offre une occasion aux jeunes et aux éducateurs de favoriser le bien-être, le dialogue et l’apprentissage, tout en étant directement liée au programme scolaire.




  • StressLess Booklet 12-14

    Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “StressLess Booklet 12-14”




  • StressLess Booklet 14-18

    Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “StressLess Booklet 14-18”




  • StressLess Booklet 4-6

    Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “StressLess Booklet 4-6”




  • StressLess Booklet 6-9

    Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “StressLess Booklet 6-9”




  • StressLess Booklet 9-12

    Our five StressLess Booklets, categorized by age group, are designed for coaches, volunteers, parents, and any caring adult who lives or works with children. These compact yet powerful resources are designed to equip children with essential strategies for managing stress, fostering resilience, and promoting mental well-being. Designed to pick up and use, the StressLess BookletsContinue reading “StressLess Booklet 9-12”


