NEW Modules on ways to incorporate Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) when using our programs
We recently undertook a review of all of our Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons program guides and training in partnership with the Mosaic Institute and psychologists, to ensure our resources remain inclusive and reflective of the diverse experiences of the children and youth we are supporting. We are pleased to offer these supplementary modules with each of our Program Guidebooks to help you implement our stress management programs from an EDI lens.
I learned different types of stress and how to be aware of my own feelings and how that can affect my students
Secondary School Educator

Stress Lessons From Stress Out to Chilled Out for Grade 7 to 9: Provides educators with a student-centred inquiry-based approach to teach stress-management strategies and skills and build emotional resiliency in their students and themselves.
Stress Lessons Tools for Resiliency Grades 9-12: is a resource designed for education professionals, and their partners, who want to help youth develop resilience. Full of psychologically-sound strategies and tools, this resource will help teens develop resilience and positive coping skills.
Our NEW Peer Mentor training opportunity is designed to empower students by transforming them into Peer Mentors within their school’s mental health culture: This innovative approach, developed as an extension of our original Stress Lessons: Tools for Resiliency Grades 9-12 program for educators, encourages students to apply what they have learned about stress management by supporting their peers. This is a great opportunity for students to support their school in implementing Stress Lessons, plus a chance for them to build skills and leadership experience to add to their resumes and academic portfolios. For more information CLICK HERE
NEW Stress Lessons App for Educators & Youth Serving Professionals: This innovative app transforms our evidence-based Stress Lessons Grades 9-12 program into a dynamic, easy-to-use digital platform. For more information CLICK HERE.