*Durham College* Electronic Version: KHST! Preschool Kindergarten Program (Product Code: 6323)
NEW Modules on ways to incorporate Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) when using our programs We recently undertook a review of all of our Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons program guides and training in partnership with the Mosaic Institute and psychologists, to ensure our resources remain inclusive and reflective of the diverse experiencesContinue reading “*Durham College* Electronic Version: KHST! Preschool Kindergarten Program (Product Code: 6323)”
Electronic Version: KHST! Grade 1-3 School Program Guide English (Product Code: 6323)
Kids Have Stress Too! Grades 1-3 is a research-based program designed for children in the primary grades. It is built on an experiential learning approach.
Electronic Version: KHST! Grade 1-3 School Program Guide French (Product Code: 6323)
Le programme Nos enfants et le stress est un programme fondé sur la recherche conçu pour les enfants de l’école primaire. Il repose sur une approche d’apprentissage par l’expérience.
Electronic Version: KHST! Grade 4-6 English (Product Code: 6323)
Stress Lessons is a classroom resource suitable for grades 4 to 6. Stress Lessons is built on an experiential, hands-on learning approach. Its aim is help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress management strategies and build emotional resiliency.
Electronic Version: KHST! Guide 4-6 French (Product Code: 6323)
Les Leçons sur le stress ont été élaborées avec une approche d’apprentissage expérimentale et pratique. Leur but est d’aider les éducateurs à créer des moments d’enseignement pour présenter des stratégies de gestion du stress et favoriser la résilience émotionnelle.
Electronic Version: KHST! Parent Facilitation Guide (Product Code: 6323)
This handbook is a supplement to the Preschool and Kindergarten Program Guide that includes a vast amount of information on stress management, physiology, concepts of the KHST! Program, Toolbox Activities etc.
Electronic Version: KHST! Preschool Kindergarten Program English (Product Code: 6323)
Kids Have Stress Too! Preschool and Kindergarten Program has been developed to help teachers, Early Childhood Education Practitioners and others working with preschool and kindergarten children, understand and promote effective social-emotional development and stress-management strategies with the children in their care.
Electronic Version: KHST! Preschool Kindergarten Program French (Product Code: 6323)
Nous vivons au cœur de la révolution la plus puissante qui soit : comprendre comment améliorer le développement d’un enfant
Electronic Version: MTC 0-1 Facilitator’s Guide (Product Code: 6323)
This program is for child-caring professionals who support parent/caregivers with infants. It helps parents interact with their babies in ways that promote secure attachment, communication and brain development. This intensive and enjoyable program combines hands-on activities, parent reflection and discussion as well as personalized video feedback.
Electronic Version: MTC 0-3 Facilitator Guide – Attachment Activities (Product Code: 6323)
This program is for child-caring professionals who support parent/caregivers with infants.
Electronic Version: MTC 1-2 Facilitator’s Guide (Product Code: 6323)
This program is for child-caring professionals who support parent/caregivers with infants.
Electronic Version: Stress Lessons Guide 7-9 English (Product Code: 6323)
The aim of this resource is to help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress- management strategies and skills and build emotional resiliency in their students and themselves. This resource is intended for adults who work with youth who are in grades 7 to 9, in classrooms and other educational and recreational settings.
Electronic Version: Stress Lessons Guide 7-9 French (Product Code: 6323)
Le programme vise à aider les éducateurs à créer des moments propices à l’apprentissage afin de présenter des stratégies et des habiletés de gestion de stress permettant de renforcer la résilience émotionnelle des élèves ainsi que leur propre résilience.
Electronic Version: Stress Lessons Guide 9-12 English (Product Code: 6323)
This resource is designed for education professionals, and their colleagues, who want to help teens develop resilience—the ability to not just survive but thrive in our exciting and stress-filled world.
Electronic Version: Stress Lessons Guide 9-12 French (Product Code: 6323)
Grâce au généreux financement de la fondation RBC, les éducateurs.es et les personnes travaillant avec les jeunes pourront télécharger le guide Leçons sur le stress 9e à 12e
KHST! Grade 1-3 French (Product Code: 6322)
Le programme Nos enfants et le stress est un programme fondé sur la recherche conçu pour les enfants de l’école primaire. Il repose sur une approche d’apprentissage par l’expérience.
KHST! Grades 4-6 – English (Product Code: 6322)
Stress Lessons is a classroom resource suitable for grades 4 to 6. Stress Lessons is built on an experiential, hands-on learning approach. Its aim is help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress management strategies and build emotional resiliency.
KHST! Stress Lessons Grades 4-6 – French (Product Code: 6322)
Les Leçons sur le stress ont été élaborées avec une approche d’apprentissage expérimentale et pratique.
NEW! ThriveLandia Resources for Teachers and Professionals (Product Code: 6317d)
ThriveLandia is an online resource filled with fun learning activities for kids and teens (ages 10-17) to help them thrive at school and in life; in other words to be resilient!